Art and history exhibitions

The modern approach to exhibition business, implies keeping a balance between the viewer's interests and the possibility of presenting information.

Factors influencing the success of an interactive exhibition are:

  • Creative Idea
  • Availability of specialists able to implement it
  • Budget and time for implementation

It is desirable that the multimedia installation engages the viewer and carries an educational load, in any accessible form (playful, visual).

If the exhibition involves a group visit, it is advisable to place the content in such a way that no one in the group is left outside the viewing angle. The use of large screens and a convenient arrangement of monitors will help.

In order for visitors to get the most out of their visit to the exhibition, it is necessary to create a script for viewing the exposition.

Program time for each site inspection in advance, and provide an opportunity to obtain additional information on each site.

For example, to create applications in which the viewer can become acquainted with the exhibit he or she is interested in.

In other words, multimedia engages the visitor in active interaction and communication.

We can consider several of the most popular scenarios for an interactive exhibition:

  • The visitor leaves the role of an outside observer, even if he is interested. He becomes an active participant in events. Takes command of a sea ship, nuclear power plant, or hunts for mammoths.
  • The exhibition changes under the control of the visitor. He becomes a director and artist. Can change the color of walls, images, activate additional resources.
  • The viewer becomes an independent unit, gets complete freedom of action. Chooses the route of movement, the order of acquaintance with each exhibit. In this case, quality content and audio support will play an important role.

If we are talking about an artist's exhibition, then the canvases can be placed on all surfaces of the room by removing the frames and closing them together.

Of course, these will not be originals, but their projection. Add surround sound, aromas, dynamics, and now, it is a full-fledged immersion in a magical world.

The unexpected angles of stunningly clear images are impressive and delightful, the play of light and shadow becomes closer, and the paintings are so real that you want to touch them.

Thus, there is no doubt that the use of multimedia technologies at the exhibition solves the following tasks:

  • Manages the attention of the visitor, concentrating it on certain objects, in accordance with the scenario
  • Involves in the process and thereby simplifies the perception of new information, strengthening the emotional sphere
  • Allows you to examine the exhibits in more detail. They can be enlarged, looked inside, cut, rotated, etc.

Having visited such an exhibition, the visitor will certainly form a desire to receive additional information, to study the subject independently and in detail.

And this, in fact, is the goal of almost every art and historical exhibition.